Damal is a 2022 Bangladeshi period drama film directed by Raihan Rafi and produced by Impress Telefilm. Set on the Bangladesh liberation war, the film features Sariful Razz, Bidya Sinha Saha Mim, Siam Ahmed and Shahnaz Sumi in lead role. The film presents a fictional storyline inspired from the Shadhin Bangla football team, the team toured throughout India playing a total of 16 friendly matches to raise international awareness and economic support for the liberation war. The film tells the story of the legendary ‘Shadhin Bangla Football Team’ founded during the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh. They played friendly matches across India to raise funds which would be used in the war. The film also portrays the personal lives of few players of the team and their struggle and losses during the war. Though the film is inspired by true events, it takes cinematic liberty and mixes fiction with reality as well.
The depressed members of Bangladesh women’s football team bid farewell to their coach before he asked them to stop and sit down. The coach, who was the manager of the Shadhin Bangla football team in 1971, started narrating the heroics of the legendary football team to inspire them.
The pre-production of Damal started in 2018.[3] Rafi described the film as his “dream project”.[2] The story of the film is written by Faridur Reza Sagar inspired by true events.[4] In 2018, Rafi was fascinated by reading the story. Despite doubts, he agreed to direct the film.[5] The story was turned into a screenplay by Nazim ud Daula and its director Raihan Rafi.[6] It took nine months to construct the screenplay of the film that connects the present generation with old by football.[7] The preparation of its production began in August 2020. It was produced on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh. At least 500 actors have been hired to act in this film. Its production became challenging in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Its filming started on 25 November 2020.[8] It is the debut film of Samia Othoi where she plays the role of a female footballer.[9] Most of the scenes of the film were shot in Parbatipur and Syedpur of North Bengal.[10] The first lot was filmed for about a month.[11] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and production complications, the filming was halted and later the filming had to be resumed by increasing the budget.[12] In June-July 2020, Siam Ahmed, Sariful Razz and Sumit Sengupta started training for football.[5] Razz and Siam had to take football training for a total of six months for acting.[3] Completing the production of the film was challenging for Raihan Rafi. Damal Siam, Razz and the director fell ill several times during its filming. Even Rafi was pessimistic about the film’s future. He didn’t realize that directing a sports film could be so difficult. But its story motivated him to complete the film.[13] The filming ended on 3 June 2021.
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