Mujib Bhai an animated feature film produced under the concern of ICT Division, Bangladesh aims to deal with this current uprising anarchy and motivate our people once again in the light of Bangabandhu’s political career. The inspiration of Bangabandhu’s political career lies in the unfair, demeaning and rage inducing treatment of the Indian subcontinent people by the British dominance.
Earlier, the animated feature film “Mujib Amar Pita”, based on the life of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, garnered many accolades and appreciation from the audience and critics. Now, Adnan Adib Khan has revealed the official poster of another animation film Mujib Bhai based on the autobiography, “The Unfinished Memoirs” by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The captivating poster showcases the film’s title, “MUJIB BHAI,” in bold letters, with a striking painted portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The poster also showcases a tense scene with Bangabandhu standing at the witness stand, surrounded by lawyers. Moreover, the film is also proudly presented by the ICT Division. Directed by Chandan K Barman and Sohel Mohammad Rana, the screenplay is written by Adnan Adib Khan. The story and screenplay were edited by Ajoy Dasgupta. The film is produced by Zeenat Farzana, Arif Mohammad, and MD Shofiul Alam. While details about the film are still under wraps, the official poster serves as a tantalizing glimpse into what awaits audiences in this cinematic masterpiece. The premiere of “Mujib Bhai”, an animated short-film by the ICT division of Bangladesh took place at Shimanto Sambhar Cineplex, Dhanmondi on June 23. The film is based on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s autobiography, “Unfinished Memoirs”.
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