Soppana Sundari is a 2023 Indian Tamil-language Black comedy film film written and directed by SG Charles (who earlier directed Lock Up (2020)). The film starring Aishwarya Rajesh, Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli, Deepa Shankar, Karunakaran, Sathish Krishnan, Redin Kingsley, Mime Gopi, Sunil Reddy, Sha Ra, Bjorn Surrao and Thendral Raghunathan.[1]
A young woman from a lower-middle class family wins a car in a lucky draw unaware of the trouble it’s going to bring her. The title Soppana Sundari refers to the car that the characters of the film fight for to own the car. A young woman from a lower-middle class family wins a car in a lucky draw unaware of the trouble it’s going to bring her. The title Soppana Sundari refers to the car that the characters of the film fight for to own the car. The film’s title was referenced from the popular Goundamani-Senthil comedy scene of the 1989 film Karakattakkaran.[2] The film was released on 14 April 2023, coinciding with Tamil New Year. A young woman from a lower-middle class family wins a car in a lucky draw unaware of the trouble it’s going to bring her. The title Soppana Sundari refers to the car that the characters of the film fight for to own the car. The film’s title was referenced from the popular Goundamani-Senthil comedy scene of the 1989 film Karakattakkaran.[2] The film was released on 14 April 2023, coinciding with Tamil New Year.The film’s title was referenced from the popular Goundamani-Senthil comedy scene of the 1989 film Karakattakkaran.[2] The film was released on 14 April 2023, coinciding with Tamil New Year.
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