The Kerala Story has been in the news for the last few days, and it’s obvious given its concept. The film stars Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani and Siddhi Idnani in key roles. On the internet, netizens are divided over it with one section supporting the story and calling it a truth, while the other section has termed it as mere propaganda. Amid this, let’s take a look at how the film fared at the box office through the day 1 advance booking report!
A converted muslim women Fatima Ba narrates her ordeal of how she once wanted to become a nurse but was abducted from her home and manipulated by religious vanguards and turned into an ISIS terrorist and landed in Afghanistan jail. For the unversed, the film is helmed by Sudipto Sen and narrates the story of a group of women from Kerala who are converted to Islam and are brainwashed to join the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). While the makers claim that the film conveys the truth, many are slamming it for spreading hatred to favour the ideology of the ruling political party. Coming back to the box office report, The Kerala Story has shocked everyone as it has sold tickets worth 1.31 crores gross for day 1 through advance booking only (excluding blocked seats). It includes a ticket count of over 60,000. The film has surpassed Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi‘s Selfiee in advance ticket sales, which had wrapped up its figure a little below 1 crore.
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