Sex Education is a British teen sex comedy drama streaming television series created by Laurie Nunn for Netflix. It follows the lives of the students, staff and parents of the fictional Moordale Secondary School as they contend with various personal dilemmas, often related to sexual intimacy. The series stars an ensemble cast that includes Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Ncuti Gatwa, Emma Mackey, Connor Swindells, Kedar Williams-Stirling, Alistair Petrie, Mimi Keene, and Aimee Lou Wood.
Inexperienced Otis channels his sex therapist mom when he teams up with rebellious Maeve to set up an underground sex therapy clinic at school. The first series was released on 11 January 2019, the second on 17 January 2020, and the third on 17 September 2021. A fourth and final series was announced on 25 September 2021,[2][3] which will be released on 21 September 2023. Sex Education has received critical acclaim for its ensemble cast, writing, directing, production values, and mature treatment of its themes. The programme has been a viewership success, with over 40 million viewers streaming the first series after its debut. Wood won the BAFTA TV Award for Best Female Comedy Performance for her role in the second series and the third series won Best Comedy Series at the 50th International Emmy Awards. Other students at Moordale include Eric Effiong, Otis’s best friend and the gay son of Ghanaian-Nigerian immigrants; Maeve Wiley, a highly intelligent, rebellious teen whose independence is overshadowed by her family’s troubled past; Adam Groff, the headmaster’s son who develops a bullying nature out of his own self-loathing; Jackson Marchetti, the head boy struggling to meet the high expectations set for him; Ruby Matthews, Anwar Bakshi, and Olivia Hanan, members of a popular clique known as “the Untouchables”; Aimee Gibbs, an Untouchable who secretly befriends Maeve; and Lily Iglehart, a writer of alien erotica who is determined to lose her virginity. The school is later joined by Ola Nyman, whose widowed father, Jakob Nyman, begins a relationship with Jean.
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